How Is Micropenis (Small Penis) Treated?

21 May 2021

Micropenis - What is a Small Penis?

Micropenis is called when the penis length is less than 7 cm. In some sources, 2-7 cm is stated as small penis and <2 cm is stated as micropenis. The clinical importance of micropenis negatively affects the sexual life as well as psychosocially. It's confusable with buried penis. It can be physiological or caused by hormonal reasons (pituitary gland abnormalities, testosterone deficiency). When hormonal causes are detected, hormone therapy can be tried.


How Is Micropenis treated?

The length of the penis can be extended by 2-5 cm by surgical operation. However, this elongation is related to the original size of the penis. Usually 20% elongation is possible. In the operation, this extension is possible by making various incisions in the groin area and by cutting the deeper penis hanging ligament. In addition, penis thickening with fat injection and allodermal graft along with penis lengthening operation also increases patient satisfaction.




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