Stem Cell Therapy to the Penis What is P Stem?

21 May 2021

Stem Cell - P Stem

Stem cells have the ability to transform into cells in the tissue they are located in, therefore, it has responded to the desire of patients who strongly desire a natural method in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.  Fat-derived, bone-marrow-derived, placental and urinary stem cells can be used for stem cell therapy. Stem cells transform into sponge tissue that acts as a muscle in the penis, allowing this tissue to regain its function. This is how the penis can return to function.


Stem Cell Treatment to the Penis

In this treatment, stem cells are given by injection into the penis. It is performed using mesenchymal stem cells (derived from the patient's own adipose tissue or bone marrow) or fetal stem (cord blood) cells. Stem cells to the penis can be performed in 3 sessions 45 days apart or in 2 consecutive days. Extremely successful results can be obtained, but studies are ongoing.




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